How this works

We will release a movie every ten days beginning with Birth of a Nation (1915) and then jumping to the 1920's where we will release one new movie for each year within the decade. Our goal is to work our way from the 20's to the present while gaining insight into the evolution of film. All the movies we choose will be available through Netflix. The basic idea is to build a community of like-minded film fans and connect them with a forum for discussion. Without futher's time to Cinema Cram!


The Big Sleep (1946) Review

girl by locker says: It was our first Bogart/Bacall film, and I have to say that they were the best part of the movie. Their onscreen chemistry is notorious and not without reason. Sparks fly and they have some great scenes together, in particular one with the two of them in a night club speaking in double entendres about horseracing. It’s fun. It’s sharp. It’s why we watch the movie.
Bacall: Speaking of horses, I like to play them myself. But I like to see them work out a little first. See if they’re front-runners or come from behind…I’d say you don’t like to be rated. You like to get out in front, open up a lead, take a little breather in the back stretch and then come home free.
Bogart: You’ve got a touch of class, but I don’t know how far you can go.
Bacall: A lot depends on who’s in the saddle.
Beyond the Bogart/Bacall romance, I found the plot terribly confusing. Everything revolves around a dying, wealthy old man, his two daughters who are out of control and their gambling debts. The family is getting blackmailed and Bogart is brought in to find out who is doing it and have it stopped. But in addition to the blackmail, there is the disappearance of Sean Regan, a gentleman who worked for the family, the murder of the family’s chauffeur and sexual improprieties that the youngest daughter is apparently photographed doing. It’s not that it seemed too improbable, but it just didn’t resonate with me. It was too convoluted, and I felt I needed an org chart to keep track of what was going on and how everyone was connected. Overall, I give this movie 3/5 on Netflix.
Juror #3 says: I watched this film with my parents during a recent visit. About five minutes into the film, upon the realization it was a "who done it" my mother said that we should all write down who we thought "did it", along with the time, and see who guessed right first.  So now you all can see where my geek roots stem from.  Unfortunately The Big Sleep is not the best movie with which to play this little game.  Talk about confusing.  Not only could I not guess who "did it" but I couldn't even figure out what had "been done."  The film is well shot and the chemistry between Bogart and Bacall is everything it's known to have been.  But it didn't quite overcome the script flaws - for instance, the love between the two characters happened, seemingly, in seconds and I didn't buy it.  That wasn't due to the acting, it was never created in the script (or through the production possibly).  Either way, it bothered me.  Overall I enjoyed the acting and the cinematography.  I'll rate it 3/5 stars on Netflix.

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